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The LaChapelle Legacy site

3 legendary lives - 3 professional libraries - a dynamic legacy

Your donation supports this site

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Price: $10.00

Your donation supports this site

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Keeping the beauty going

Price: $25.00

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Wow, you're the BEST

Price: $50.00

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Thank you! Please pick an item from our bookstore as our gift to you!

Price: $100.00

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Thank you!

Thank you! Please pick an item or two from our bookstore as our gift to you!

Price: $250.00

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! Please pick items from our bookstore as our gift to you. We will also plant a tree in your honor here in the San Juan Rocky Mountains where all the LaChapelle's lived and loved.

Price: $500.00

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! Please pick some items from our bookstore as our gift to you. We will also plant a tree in your honor here in the San Juan Rocky Mountains where all the LaChapelle's lived and loved

Price: $1,000.00

Thank you!